Thursday, January 20, 2011

Be Active

That is my goal this year...Being Active. Last year I found myself getting back into running. In high school I participated in cross country and track and once I was no longer on a team found myself not doing those things anymore. So my goal this year is to BE ACTIVE!

I am not one that just goes out for a run or heads to the gym. I need motivation. So I started signing up for races to motivate me to run and be active.
Fox Cities Half Marathon

This year I already have many things on my "to do" list and I am so excited to start crossing some of them off! On February 12 Josh and I are participating in the Seroogy's Valentine run (doing the 5K not the 15k). In April is Relay for Life. I am all signed up for the Green Bay Cellcom Marathon (yes the 26.2 mile run, I know I am crazy) so please pray for me that I can keep myself motivated in this training process. I also may be adding a duathlon (with my dad) in May. June is the Bellin Run. July is the Packer 5k and I may attempted a sprint triathlon (not sure if I want to take this on this year or next). September is the Breath of Hope Lung Cancer run in Minnesota and I may also run the Fox Cities Half Marathon again. October brings the Green Bay Duathlon for my Dad and I and the Breast Cancer walk. Lastly the Turkey Trot on Thanksgiving Day in November!

I am not saying you have to do all of this in one year, but my goal for you is to become active! Obesity is rising in the United States and the more people that become active the more we will see this number drop. So please feel free to connect me if you need help or motivation to become active. I am always looking for a running partner!

So tell me what you will be doing this year to keep active!


Anonymous said...

You will ALWAYS have a running partner in me, and Manders! I loved our morning runs!

<3 Ash

Unknown said...

that's too much running for one post.

matt :)