Thursday, January 6, 2011

Playing House :)

Do you remember when you were little and you used to play house? Well this next week I get to play house. In a real home. With two kids. And a mini van. I will be heading to Minnesota to watch my dear cousin's kids while her and her wonderful husband go on a cruise. I am so excited yet so nervous. It will be just ME. With TWO kids. Five and under. They are wonderful children and I just can't wait to have one on one time with them.

I already have some fun things planned and already plan on some play dates. I am just praying no one gets sick or hurt. Any tips for me? Leave me a comment if you have any advice or ideas of what to do (I will be around the Twin Cities area).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Don't worry! You will have a great time! H and E couldn't be better kids to have, they are wonderful! You can hang out with all us Moms and see what real stay at home moms do all day! Lots of Coffee runs and playdates... and a few poopy diapers and runny noses! If you need ANYTHING day, or night, please call me! :) Stacey